Friday, February 29, 2008

Saluki Way is not the thing that people want

We visited 15 males and 10 females, most of them are 15-25 years old. 20 people of our survey respondents are related with SIUC. 15 of them think building Saluki Way is unnecessary. Moreover, 5 people agree increasing tax for Saluki Way but all of our survey respondents think that the increase of 50% of sales tax for Saluki Way is over. And we also get an interesting date: females like football more than males (46%: 41%). This phenomenon maybe because girls think football players are cool, powerful, and muscular and also football game is absorbing. However, 19 people do not watch Saluki sport games often even though we have 13 people who like football. In addition, more than 50% of our survey respondents are think SIU should pay attention on education, not on football or commercials.

It is difficult for me to describe my feeling after this survey. I am happy because this survey can support my opinion; I am sad because I cannot understand why the meeting passes this legislation that increases sales tax to build Saluki Way. According to this survey, most people disagree with this legislation, and all of them are think that half percent increase in the sales tax is too much. So, I am suspicious of the reasons for making this legislation and passing this legislation. I do not know American political system a lot, but I thought legislator are supposed to protect the public and raise people’s life quality. In addition, I think SIUC should think about the real important thing that students and professors want. Maybe SIUC thinks making the school become famous can attract more people to travel in here and also can attract more students. However, it is a completely wrong. The purpose of school is to educate people, not to become a famous tourism place.

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